Monday, April 8, 2013

fathers love their children too.

There are all sorts of trinkets, necklaces, pins and bracelets in the jewelry world for moms and grandmothers to signify their children or grandchildren. My grandmother had a pin that all the grandchildren and great grandchildren were fascinated with.  It was a gold tree branch that had several little boy and girl heads dangling from it. On one side of the head was the child's first name and on the other side was the child's birthdate. When great grandchildren came along a short piece of gold chain dropped the head down to a second row.  I still vividly remember sitting on grandma's lap and flipping through the heads, first searching for my own then just reading each and everyone.  I myself have a "mother's ring" that has the birthstone of each of my children in it.

Now my question I present to you is...what is there for Fathers? I thought the most logical would be a ring, but there were none to be found. But what else is there that could be done and be "manly?" Men usually do not wear necklaces, if they do they are usually either dog tags or thick gold chains without adornment.

Now what got me pondering this dilemma? I have a nephew that is a good dad but due to divorce does not see his children as often as he would like...which is all the time... I wanted to give him something but what?

Then the idea hit while I was perusing Pinterest... the washer jewelry but a key chain instead.  Nuts instead of beads.

Here is the result of my scheming...

Their names and birthdate on each washer.  Yes he liked it. I also made one for his brother and sister.  Hers had beads though to make it more lady like. 

And yes...I'm scheming again for some other family members...will post when complete. 

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