Sunday, December 15, 2013

no sales for "Baby Robins Grow Up" but not detouring next endeavor.

I had mailed out 100 postcards with information on "Baby Robins Grow Up" to daycares though out the US. I used a phone app. to look up daycares in each state. Eight postcards were returned unable to deliver.  I have 25 likes on the "Baby Robins Grow Up" Facebook page. I have not paid to "promote" the page.  Not sure how much I want to spend with no return.  I may get likes but that don't mean the book will sell.  I have attempted to get my book reviewed for a preschool educational site. But no return correspondence received. My book was promoted to a lot of romance readers but you have to remember this is a preschool picture book. I was hoping the romance readers had pre-schoolers in their lives.  All I can do at this point is sit back and wait or spend more money. My choice is wait.

I placed a copy of the book in the waiting room of the office that I work at and actually seen a 8 or 9 year old child carry the book to an exam room. That was encouraging for me because the child wanted to finish the book. I placed one at my own Dr's office due to it is a Family practice office and they see pediatric patients as well.   I do have business cards to hand out but have not been in a position yet to do much handing.

I feel "Baby Robins Grow Up" is an excellent introduction to the life cycle of a bird. If only I could get the word out somehow to the people that run daycare's and parents of preschoolers.

I am working on my next endeavor and already working on a rewrite of some of it. It will not be something that will be done it two months. I don't have a lot of spare time for writing. My hopes are to increase time by "taking" it and changing priorities...i.e. TV time, Facebook time etc.  Once I feel I have the story working well I will introduce some of it here.  It will be an adult novel and not a children's book nor categorized as a romance.  

The book has already changed enough from the original idea that the title I had selected does not fit so a new title will need to be chosen.  My current block is deciding on a connection between common events in the book. I will get there but I have to get inside the head of my villain and find that connection.

Happy reading and writing.